Thursday, December 11, 2008

Information Bomblast

Today was a hectic day just managed to glance through the paper. There is so much information there. I came back and was going through some blogs and i am overwhelmed with the kind of information that is available at our disposal. Technology sure has grown by leaps and bounds how else i would have known the list of the words searched for most number of times through out the world. The list published by Google and yahoo. Amazing isn't it. But lets just consider the flip side.

Information is knowledge and power. Information literally makes or breaks individuals. Its not just important to make use of the common sense or have high IQ but to have a knowledge base pertaining to everything that makes sense to Homo sapiens and things that do not make sense to the mortals. The question is where do we draw the line ?? Have we defined any periphery or we just behave as mere bludges. We are residing in a society where it is necessary that we reflect on the small, changes around us. I have not come across any blog on" why we see less of butterflies now days?" The intellectuals will mock and smirk at this statement of mine, and might even question "how does it matter??" or rather "to whom does it matter??"

This is a very practical world driven headstrong by Technology, Information and Religion who has time to experience the joy of writing diaries, or letters or a simple act of enjoying the rain. If it does rain, all we do is discuss about potholes, worsening drainage system and evergreen "Blamegame" begins.

I know the importance of information and technology which go hand in hand but my fellow beings do you ever not wonder why now you cannot enjoy and value small things like silence, rain or the warmth of Sun( ignoring the UV rays increase which leads to cancer).

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adarsh said...
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