Sunday, January 31, 2016


It's been a few months now. Life has taken an unexpected turn. Initially I was fighting the change, thought the way things were was just perfect why change ? Gradually changes seemed to incite sporadic episodes of pure joy and happiness. I wondered if it would last. People tell me I'm not an optimist. I think I'm a realist, have no idea which is actually true.  From past i have learned not to cling on to idea of happiness which depends on other people who you adore and love. So when I feel happy because of someone's love and not just by myself it troubles me.

So well things are moving i am feeling emotions that I thought were meant to be felt only once. But life surprises its benign beings. I'm humbled and feel a spectrum of emotions which I thought I could not feel. I'm at acceptance stage and the feelings are becoming habit.

From past experience, everyday habits relating to chores die hard as it is but emotional habits die harder. From past experiences, dwelling in past experiences does not help. Well life is funny that way it expects you to take things in your stride. Be open and bold and things turn out well it's because you were open to live life every moment. But if things go south, why you didn't learn from past so the joke is on the helpless benign being. Fear of losing or things going south spreads its poisonous tentacles.

I'm a realist and a fighter. I fight the poisonous toxins but still I feel lost. Lost since an emotional cocktail is swirling around in my heart and mind alike. I'm high and I don't know  when the hangover will hit me if it will. Will I loose the current idea of myself or reinvent myself. Is reinventing good or bad?

Someone told me once that being neutral is the best no matter what variables are existing or even if certain variables are becoming constant. It is excruciatingly hard. I'm sure it's the most ideal way of life, but it's hard. I'm human, to feel and react to variables at least to an extent, I feel is the way it was meant to be. So I will feel, and be bold and accept the changes and just hope to almighty, the reinvented me is someone I will be able to see with pride as tides of time embrace me now and in future.

The Phoenix rises with hope it will survive with a love high!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Defining You

World moves about, every particle moves..
the movement is incessant & important.
Very few people stop by to acknowledge the presence of a noble soul

We halt, To acknowledge the values trust & belief they radiate to the world

You are defined by the elemental goodness and profoundness.
You affirm world of human values with a hue of divine intervention

You are worldly but not so...
You are human but not so...
You are a unique entity but not so...
You are exemplary of acceptable paradoxes of existence

Thank You for being there for one and all...


An Ode to Cute Pink World Of You

Your small Little world is a source
of awe & admiration
Your wants, desires, dreams amuses & inspires me...

Elegance of Life, Chirpiness of Birds, exuberance of a child
All but a mere glimpse of beautiful, feminine existence

I hope this spirit spreads its sprightliness now and on...

Happy Birthday
Chaithra Athani
11th Oct 2012

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Against hope hopen

Chaos around is reaching a deafening level.
People are wandering confused, being an embody of their ego.
Some just giving in to all the darkness..
Our race evolved from.
Chaos.. Slowly progressing towards a bang..

Today I sense and sigh..
Our slow and steady progress towards merging with our origin..
Salvage us oh humanity..
I plead with a heavy heart but a strong willed hope..

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Mind and soul

Is human only mind? 

If yes what is the second voice? 
Mind is rational, practical.. what is then spontaneous erratic consequence?

Mind is uni or bi or multi..

Is mind soul? Or mind tells us there is a soul?

Mind and soul are an amalgamation of yin yang.. a synergy of human and nature

Mind and soul.. keys to unlock human complexity..
Or simple humanity is complicated by mind and soul..

Humanity.. a quest to discover the composite elements.. mind and soul..

Thursday, December 30, 2010

To My Friend

My Bubble Gum Friend..
My Philosopher..
My listener... and my scintillating damsel...
Words are mere illegible patterns on paper to describe you my demoiselle ...
I wish with each passing b'day we are always together and change together..

To Someone obscure

You are a simple creation
with simpler complexities
you stand aloof from universal redundancies
A being treading the common dark path
with joy and dismay but moving on......

You have learnt the ways but
you live your own
You are gripped with frailities
And thus so human...

Impelled by rationality and objectivity
failed by emotions
propelled by passions of sprightly youth
failed by custom

Your soul so replete with soft desires
let not rationality or objectivity
fail you, my dear
who can say where the tide of life
flows, only time...

May you steer ahead with
No shackles or fetters hindering you
to live a passionate and serene life......